Mica North Carolina

Mica from North Carolina Mica is a group of thirty seven minerals that are physically and chemically similar. They are all sheet silicate minerals (form in distinct layers). Micas are lightweight and soft, and the sheets and flakes of mica are flexible. Mica has a pearly or vitreous luster and is heat-resistant and does not…

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Mica Crystals from North Carolina

Crystallized Mica The Mica Group Large crystals of mica used for various applications are typically mined from granitic pegmatites. Collectible Mica specimens in the USA can be found in Spruce Pine, Franklin-Sylva and Shelby Hickory districts of North Carolina. The mica group of sheet silicate (phyllosilicate) minerals includes several closely related materials having nearly perfect…

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Malachite Stalactite Fingers

Home Minerals List Our Policies Shipping Dendritic Moss Opal Malachite Stalactite Fingers Very Rare Malachite Stalactite Fingers from the Star of the Congo Mine $3,295.00 Add to cart Due to the weight and fragility of this specimen it will be sold at the listed price… PLUS… our standard shipping rate based upon weight. We will…

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Lava Rocks (Volcanic Rocks)

Lava Rocks…Volcanic Rocks Lava Rocks Volcanic Rocks  are terms often used, but is really not correct. Lava is molten or liquid form rock that comes out of a volcano that is erupting. Lava is extremely hot reaching temperatures approaching 2000 degrees. The lava comes out of the volcano and cools on the earths surface depending…

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Labradorite & Spectrolite Labradorite is a mineral whose beauty is not fully realized and may even be completely  missed if not viewed from the proper angle. Most Labradorite is a dull, dark grey to black looking mineral with no special attraction until the colorful shiller-effect is observed glowing on the surface. Labradorite can produce a…

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Kyanite Kyanite forms bladed crystals. It is generally blue, but can also be green or gray. It has a glassy luster. Kyanite has a unique physical feature in that it has two different hardnesses. When its hardness is measured across the crystal it is normally 7 Mohs  when it is measured down the length of…

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Polychrome Desert Jasper

Polychrome Desert Jasper Polychrome Desert Jasper is a beautiful and colorful Jasper that can best be described as polychrome (the act of decorating things in a variety of colors) in appearance. It includes red, pink, brown and grey Jasper mixed in colorful swirling patterns. It comes from the Norcross-Madagascar Jasper fields. Norcross found Desert Jasper…

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Kambaba Jasper

Kambaba Jasper / Stromatolites Kambaba Jasper, Stromatolites, colonial structures created by Cyanobacteria (commonly called blue-green algae) are among the oldest fossils on earth, being found in rocks over 3 billion years old. Once the dominant life form on the planet, Stromatolites are now found in only a few places, such as Madagascar. Cyanobacteria form these…

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Jaspers Jasper is an opaque variety of chalcedony, which is a microcrystalline variety of the mineral Quartz. Opaque means that neither light nor images pass through. Microcrystalline quartz in its pure form is semitransparent. When a small amount of impurities or foreign materials are added to microcrystalline quartz, the color changes and its ability to…

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Italian Minerals

Home Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Rock Cycle Minerals from Italy These mineral specimens are from our personal collection that we procured in Italy from an Italian Geologist Mineral dealer about 15 years ago. These minerals are all from Italy. Hand decorated WWII Italian White Marble Slab Ashtray from Siena, Italy $49.00 Add to cart Hematite Crystals…

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