Posts Tagged ‘woo not needed’
Picture Stones
Home Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Rock Cycle Picture Stones Picture stones are comprised by a wide variety of rocks and minerals from all over the world. These are rocks or stones that display patterns looking like artistic swirls, landscapes and mountains. We decided to make one central page to find the different types of “picture Stones”…
Read MoreSahara Desert Rocks and Minerals
Home Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Rock Cycle Sahara Desert Rocks and Mineral Oddities Sahara Desert Concretion Found in the Sahara Desert mineral water deposits Quartzite Goethite with desert varnish found in the Sahara Desert. The desert crust or varnish is formed of Iron and manganese oxide Goethite with desert varnish found in the Sahara Desert. The…
Read MorePetrified Wood
Home Minerals List Our Policies Shipping Dendritic Moss Opal Petrified Wood Petrified Wood is actually wood that has been turned into stone by a Geologic process called petrification (or petrifaction). It may be beautifully colored by chemical impurities such as iron and copper. Petrification takes place through a combination of two similar processes called permineralization…
Read MoreOrpiment
Home Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Rock Cycle Orpiment and Realgar Orpiment and Realgar are both arsenic sulfides. Orpiment is a rare orange to lemon-yellow mineral consisting of a native trisulfide of arsenic and usually forms with Realgar. Realgar and Orpiment are almost always found together. Realgar is a bright reddish-orange arsenic sulfide. Crystals of orpiment are…
Read MoreOpal Fluorite “Tiffany Stone”
Home Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Rock Cycle Opal Fluorite “Tiffany Stone” Opal fluorite is a very rare stone of aesthetic and colorful patterns. The rarity and value of Opal Fluorite/Tiffany Stone is a result of its locale. The only location where it has been found is at the Brush Wellman Beryllium Mine in the Topaz-Spor Mountains…
Read MoreOlmiite
Home Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Rock Cycle Olmiite Olmiite is found exclusively in the NChwaning II Mine, Kuruman, North Cape Province, Kalahari manganese field of South Africa. To the west of Kuruman in the Northern Cape province, South Africa lies the massive manganese deposits of the Kalahari manganese field which covers at least 1100 square kilometres.…
Read MoreOlivenite
Home Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Rock Cycle Olivenite Olivenite is a copper arsenate mineral. Its most notable feature (which leads to its name) is the typical olive green color. The color may vary in shade from blackish-green in the crystals to almost white in the finely fibrous variety known as woodcopper. Olivenite normally occurs as globular…
Read MoreOcean Jasper Spheres
Home Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Rock Cycle Ocean Jasper Spheres Orbicular Ocean Jasper Ocean Jasper is a rare mineral, mined in only one place in the world… The Mine of Marovato, on the Ambolobozo Peninsula in the north west corner of Madagascar. It is called Ocean Jasper because the deposits are part of the coastline, and…
Read MoreObsidian, Triple Flow
Home Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Rock Cycle Triple Flow (TriFlow) Obsidian Triple Flow Obsidian is volcanic glass. The various colors of obsidian are a result of several factors. Clear varieties of obsidian contain very few opaque impurities or microscopic mineral crystals. Red or brown obsidian generally results from tiny crystals or inclusions of hematite or limonite…
Read MoreObsidian, Snowflake
Home Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Rock Cycle Snowflake Obsidian Obsidian Obsidian is a rock which is a type of naturally occurring glass, produced by volcanoes (igneous origin) when a felsic lava cools rapidly and freezes without sufficient time for crystal growth. It is commonly found within the margins of felsic lava flows, where cooling is more…
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