Some rocks themselves are highly prized by collectors. An example is "Wonderstone" (rock that is naturally stained with picturesque bands of red and orange iron oxide and hydroxide). In Nevada, some wonderstones are rhyolite lava flows, and some are sandstones. The Wonderstone near Grimes Point in Churchill County, Nevada which is used in lapidary, is a rhyolite tuff that was altered by silica and pyrite from hydrothermal fluids. Nevada Wonderstone
This volcanic rock is a Rhyolitic air-fall tuff, material ejected from a volcano about 12 million years ago. The rock was altered by hot waters that deposited pyrite (FeS2) and quartz (SiO2). Rainwater penetrated the rock and oxidized the pyrite to form liesegang bands of red hematite (Fe2O3) and orange and brown goethite (FeO(OH)). Erosion broke pieces of the rock from its outcrop, and streams carried pebbles to the shore of Lake Lahontan, which covered much of western Nevada during the Pleistocene Epoch.

Grimes Point-Hidden Cave Archaeological Site (BLM Land Fallon, Nevada)
There are three distinct rhyolite collecting locations @ 10 miles east of Fallon. They are known as Wonderstone Mountain A, Wonderstone Mountain B, and Green Mountain. The Wonderstone Mountains are excellent locations for finding collector pieces. Although this is BLM Land, be cautious of private mining claims marked in this area. There is at least one claim owned by Randy Messer, Western Blasting Technologies who is researching mining this material for stone tiles. There are plenty of opportunities if you have a high clearance 4 wheel drive vehicle. There is a road going right up the crown of the Wonderstone Mountain B that is a breathtaking trip especially when coming down over the peak...you cannot even see the road it drops so fast. The selection up there is no better than anywhere else, but it's a fun ride. There are small pieces on the ground all over the place and the entire mountains appear to be made of this Rhyolitic Wonderstone. A rock pick, hammer and chisel may find you some nice specimens.
In the distance stands a single mountain made of green rhyolite...green mountain! Most of the available rhyolite is porous but it is a really neat site to visit!
Chris is now going through our collected pieces and "Enhancing their natural Beauty" on her new Lortone 8" Stainless Arbor Package. We will be adding new pieces for sale as Chris finishes with her "Enhancements"....What can I say? Chris is having a great time shaping and smoothing her specimens!
Item# NWS0111000A
2 sides shaped and smoothed Nevada Wonderstone from Wonderstone Mountain in Fallon, Nevada
Beautiful specimen of liesegang bands of multiple shades of pinks, greys and cream colored Rhyolite in beautiful swirling patterns. Chris has shaped and smoothed two sides of this specimen to show the beauty of these patterns. An Excellent Display Specimen!
This piece weighs 0.69lb (314g) and measures 2.5 x 3 x 2.1" (6.4 x 7.6 x 5.3cm)
Utah Wonderstone
(from Utah Rockhounding)
Utah Wonderstone has the same basic designs as Nevada Wonderstone but the Utah Variety is a more porous Rhyolite. It will polish to a very nice matte finish. Utah also has a sandstone variety of Utah Wonderstone as well as the Rhyolite. Utah is famous for its sandstone arches in the most beautiful color patterns! There are specimens available of Utah Wonderstone and even miniature sandstone arches.
Rhyolite is volcanic. This particular variety was once a very fine volcanic ash. Through pressure and time this ash became rock hard as the colorful chemicals such as iron in the earth seeped through and swirled into a glorious design producing a smooth texture for a soft, desirable cutting material. This Wonderstone is only found in the Fishlake Mountains of Utah. A striking feature of Vernon Hills Wonderstone is its intricately folded bands that create colorful designs in cream, yellow-brown, and multiple shades of maroon.
Item# UWS0111000R
5 sides shaped and smoothed Utah Wonderstone from Fishlake Mountains, Vernon Utah
Beautiful specimen of liesegang bands of multiple shades of pinks, greys, yellow and cream colored Rhyolite in beautiful swirling patterns. Chris has shaped and smoothed five sides of this specimen to show the beauty of these patterns. An Excellent Display Specimen!
This piece weighs 0.47lb (214g) and measures 2.8 x 2.2 x 1.7" (7.1 x 5.7 x 4.5cm)
Item# UWS0113000R
1 side shaped and smoothed Utah Wonderstone from Fishlake Mountains, Vernon Utah
Beautiful specimen of liesegang bands of multiple shades of pinks, greys, yellow and cream colored Rhyolite in beautiful swirling patterns. Chris has shaped and smoothed one side of this specimen to show the beauty of these patterns. An Excellent Display Specimen!
This piece weighs 0.70 lb (318g) and measures 5.3 x 1.7 x 2.8" (13.5 x 4.5 x 7cm)
Item# NWS0114000R
1 side shaped and smoothed Nevada Wonderstone from Wonderstone Mountain in Fallon, Nevada
Beautiful specimen of liesegang bands of multiple shades of pinks, greys, yellow and cream colored Rhyolite in beautiful swirling patterns. Chris has shaped and smoothed one side of this specimen to show the beauty of these patterns. An Excellent Display Specimen!
This piece weighs 0.24 lb (111g) and measures 2.6 x 1.5 x 1.7" (6.8 x 3.8 x 4.5cm)
Item# NWS0711000R
Pair with 2 sides cut Nevada Wonderstone from Wonderstone Mountain in Fallon, Nevada
Beautiful specimen of liesegang bands of multiple shades of pinks, greys, yellow and cream colored Rhyolite in beautiful swirling patterns. Stunning wood grain looking wonderstone...this is an example of why it is sometimes known as "Hickoryite" An Excellent Display Specimen!
This pair weighs 1.39 lb (631g) and measures 3.6 x 3.3 x 1 to 1.3" (9.1 x 8.3 x 2.6 to 3.3cm)