Polished Face Fluorescent Dugway Geode Half 60


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SKU: 60-DG11231422 Category:


This is a beautiful Chalcedony Fluorescent Dugway Geode. The vug is lined with fine quartz drusy crystals, surrounded in striking fortification lines in blues and greys. The cut allows a feather like spray of cut crystals to add a very attractive feature to this geode half. The Chalcedony fluoresces a brilliant Green under Short Wave Ultra-Violet Light. This specimen cut face is polished. Fluorescent photos taken with a Nikon coolpix L1 camera with the specimen under a Way Too Cool 254 nm SW 9-Watt Lamp in a black out photo box. Non-fluorescent photos taken with same camera in outdoor natural light.

Specimen weighs 6.48 oz or 0.4 lbs (184g) and measures 3 x 2.2 x 1.26 inches (7.7 x 5.6 x 3.2 cm)

Additional information

Weight 0.4 lbs
Dimensions 3 × 2.2 × 1.26 in